Download a copy of our most current job opening/job offer approval chain.
PDF includes step by step instructions for approving job postings, managing applications, and creating a job offer.
PDF includes step by step instructions to request job postings to submitting into the approval chain.
Send filled out form to to request a new staff job posting.
Learn more about the University's compensation system, including job descriptions and pay range information.
Completed forms should be sent to Processing time is generally 7-10 business days.
Human Resources Consultant Lead
Employment Specialist
573-341-4496 | |
Staff Hiring
Job Postings
Recruiting Specialist III
573-341-4275 | |
Faculty Hiring
Human Resource Specialist II
573-341-4350 | |
Staff Hiring
Job Postings
Human Resource Specialist I
573-341-7735 | |
Student Hiring
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